Battle Brothers Wiki

Global Map Keyboard Shortcuts[]

W,A,S,D/arrow keys Move the camera
Mouse Wheel Up/Page Up/+ Zoom in
Mouse Wheel Down/Page Down/- Zoom out
Shift/Return Center map at and zoom in on Battle Brothers unit
Spacebar Pause/Unpause game
F5 Quick Save
F9 Quick Load
Esc Open game menus/exit menus/close open city/shop/inventory window
F Toggle Tracking Footprints
T Make/Break camp
R Open/Close the Factions & Relations window
C/I Open/Close the Inventory window
Alt+F4 Quit game without saving (For "ironman" mode)
Ctrl+Click on a neutral party Attack neutral parties like mercenaries, caravans, peasants, etc.
(Requires you to not have an active contract)

Tactical Map Keyboard Shortcuts[]

W,A,S,D/arrow keys Move the camera
Spacebar/End Wait Turn: Active character's turn is pushed to the end of the queue. If Wait Turn isn't possible, ends turn for the unit. (Hint: Waiting this turn will also make the character act later next round.)
Enter/F End Turn: End the active character's turn and have the next character in line act.
R End Round: End the current round and have all your men skip their turn until the next round starts.
1-9 Activate/Deactivate the current unit's respective skills
Alt Show/Hide Hitpoint Bars: Toggle between showing and hiding armor and hitpoint bars, as well as status effect icons, ontop every visible character.
Shift Center the camera on the currently acting character
Mouse Wheel Up/Page Up Zoom in
Mouse Wheel Down/Page Down Zoom out
+ Raise camera level: Raise camera level to see the more elevated parts of the map.
- Lower camera level: Lower camera level and hide elevated parts of the map.
C/I On your character's turn, it allows you to open the currently acting character's inventory to switch equipped gear and access weapons on the current tile's ground; and inspect your other characters
B Show/Hide Highlights for Blocked Tiles: Toggle between showing and hiding red overlays that indicate tiles blocked with environmental objects (such as trees) that characters can not move onto.
T Show/Hide Trees: Toggle between showing and hiding trees and other large objects on the map.

Inventory Keyboard Shortcuts[]

Esc/C/I Close inventory screen
Hold Alt and
click an item
Repair item in inventory at a Weaponsmith or Armorer
Tab/D Select the next character in line
A Select the previous character in line
Drag & Drop a Character Icon into a Formation Slot The selected character will start battles in this position of the formation. If the slot was occupied, the characters will swap places with one another
Drag & Drop a Character Icon into a Reserve Slot The selected character will not take part in battles. If the slot was occupied, the characters will swap places with one another

Visual Map[]


Visual map of Battle Brothers controls.
